القائمة الرئيسية




Climate change is venturing mountain surroundings. The changes the earth is witnessing directly affect mountain settings, but also all those who depend on them fauna, foliage and us, as humans.

maintain mountains and adding their sustainable development is consummate and you can start small. This protection will help us increase their occupants’ recovery capacity as well as the main coffers mountains give food, water or the conservation of biodiversity. Climate and other changes need to be addressed exhaustively, and thus it's essential to gather data and raise mindfulness of the significance of small conduct for the change of the global system affecting mountains.

What happens if we don't PROTECT the mountains? These are some of the consequences of climate change directly related to mountain surroundings

Rising  water situations

Pollution from mountain surroundings is transmitted to both people and creatures

Increase in natural disasters

Climate differences

Loss of biodiversity

Increase in inequality in lower developed areas

Unbridled deforestation

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